Chase Your Passion and It’ll Chase You Too!

2 min read

When you’re passionate about doing something in life, what does it feel like? Doesn’t it feel a lot like taking a leap of faith? 

Jean-Luc Goddard, a passionate French-Swiss filmmaker once said, “He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch.”

It’s a lot like saying if you’re passionate about something and you jump right into it, then you owe no explanation to people who are bystanders and are just standing and watching. Goddard while saying this statement was referring to people who take the lead and transform something. 

While talking to Youngistan, we realised that almost all of them are in the process of transforming into better versions of themselves. Some of them have taken the leap of faith and have jumped right into their art or professions of choice or are extremely passionate about pursuing them and you can almost see their eyes shining bright with the glint of passion.

Someone wants to be an IAS officer, someone wants to be a dancer, some others are passionate about acting and modelling whereas another one wants to become a teacher.

Someone wants to be an IAS officer, someone wants to be a dancer, some others are passionate about acting and modelling whereas another one wants to become a teacher.

It doesn’t really matter what each of them want to be, what matters instead are the things they are willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals. While one can compromise on his sleep to become an IAS officer, another one can let go of his job just so that he could dance for a while. The fact that these people are letting go of the things that matter to them in order to achieve something that they cannot live without, that is their passion, means that they’re jumping “into the void” or taking the leap of faith.

It doesn’t matter where you come from or who you are. Is life really worth living without dreams that turn into passion? One of the young men we spoke to says “If you chase your dreams enough, they’ll start chasing you too” and we believe in living by these.

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