“I Am One Of The Youngest Sarpanch In India & This Is My Story”

2 min read

Be the change you want to see.

Nasir Khan, a young politician of the Bihar district took matters into his own hands when he decided to stand for elections, at the mere age of 21. But it all started when he was even younger, in fact much younger. Being the class monitor and controlling the other kids made him realize his love for leadership and ever since has dreamt of being a politician.

“I wanted to serve and lead”, the young Indian says as he recalled the moment he realized his passion for politics. However, the turning point for him was when the elections arrived.

As he began campaigning the common question he fell prey to was ‘Why would we vote for a 21-year old college boy?’. He took up the challenge and went door to door proving his worth. From his family being his support system to creating general awareness courses around the district, Nasir went on to become a household name.

The young Indian not only won over their belief but also gained their trust and this was only the tip of the ice berg to all the good deeds, Nasir went on to do within the next 5 years.

Making roads and water pipes, something all the netas of this country boast about doing is the most ordinary thing a politician can do according to Nasir. He recalls one of his proudest moments as the time he convinced the sarpanch to give up the sarpanchayats land to a widow of a Shaheed. This was the first time something like this had ever been done in the district and he looks back to it as his gold medal accomplishment.

Nasir Khan has set the bar high, paving way for youngsters to come about and make a change. Criticizing the political system from the comfort of one’s home is an easy thing to do but taking initiative and becoming a front line change maker is what will make a difference. People think politics is the worst but in all totality isn’t it what one makes out of it?

The young Indian has one message for all the young ears and eyes out there, “There are two ways to live life, let whatever is happening happen or try and change it”. Nasir Khan, the young Indian is a change maker and here is how he did it.

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